
Root Canal Therapy

The aim of root canal treatment is to save a tooth that has been irreversibly damaged due to tooth decay, disease or following tooth trauma.

The procedure includes cleaning, disinfecting, shaping and enlarging the canal(s) and then filling of the canals. This may take several visits to complete due to complexity or may also be completed in one visit.

  • You experience spontaneous pain when chewing or biting
  • Your teeth feel sensitive toward hot and cold foods and beverages
  • The gum near the affected tooth appears to be swelling
  • If you have pus surrounding the affected tooth

A root canal treatment is typically performed in three stages, lasting between 30 to 90 minutes per session. These separate sessions can be spaced out to four weeks or can be completed in one visit (dependent on recommendation from your dentist) between the removal of nerve, fitting the temporary filler and the final sealing. Between visits, temporary fillings and anti-bacterial elements are placed inside the tooth to help settle surrounding tissue and destroy remaining bacteria.


In all areas of health and well-being, prevention is better than cure- and at our practice it is our commitment to establish…

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Children’s Dentistry

Our practice considers prevention of dental disease as a priority. We recommend children should see our dentist by one year…

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Root Canal Therapy

The aim of root canal treatment is to save a tooth that has been irreversibly damaged due to tooth decay, disease or…

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TMD, Grinding and Jaw Pain

Bruxism is when you clench (biting your top and bottom teeth together) or grind (sliding your teeth back and forth over each…

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A missing tooth or many teeth missing can be replaced with dentures. Dentures are an appliance custom fitted to your mouth.

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Sports Mouthguards

Injuries to teeth, tongue, lips as well as the soft lining of the lips and cheeks. Ideally, mouthguards should be worn by children and adults..

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Dental Care for The Whole Family

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Adult Care


Child Care


Orthodontic Care

We are A Full Service Dentistry Practice

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Book An Appointment 

Call: 394-288-2168

067 Bogisich Shore, NY

Working Hours

Monday-Saturday 8am-5pm.

Free Consultation

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