We are proud to be able to offer Central Coast residents in this difficult time emergency dental care services.

If you are suffering from a genuine dental emergency, you will require priority attention.

The Federal Government’s Health Advisory committee, the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the Australian Dental Association (ADA) has restricted all dental services to dental emergencies only, helping to keep people at home to reduce the risk of infection of COVID-19.

If you have a dental emergency such as acute dental pain, broken front teeth due to an injury, or you have a referral from a medical practitioner for dental treatment that would affect your health if left untreated, we are able to treat you at the practice.

What is considered a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is a situation that requires immediate treatment. It may involve conditions that cause severe pain, infection or directly affect your health. This can include:

  • Swelling affecting your mouth, face and/or neck.
  • Difficulty opening your mouth, swallowing or breathing (unrelated to COVID-19).
  • Damage to your mouth or jaw following an accident or injury causing loss of a tooth or teeth being moved from their original position in the mouth.
  • Severe dental pain that is affecting your sleep and/or does not subside with use of pain-relief medications.
  • Tooth fracture where the nerve inside the tooth becomes exposed (which may or may not include bleeding).
  • Ulcers present in the mouth for 3 weeks or longer.
  • Wire or bracket fractures in orthodontic patients.
  • Uncontrolled bleeding post-oral surgery.
  • Patients referred by a doctor for medically necessary dental care or for urgent dental care prior to surgery that cannot be delayed.
  • Treatment of a dental condition that can directly affect your health, for example, remove of an oral cancer lesion from inside the mouth.

If you are unsure if your dental concern is an emergency, please feel free to contact our friendly team to discuss further and they will then outline the best course of action for your individual case.

What should I do if I’m half way through my treatment?

If your treatment has already begun and you are scheduled to have it finished, you should contact your dentist to discuss whether it’s safe to defer the treatment. If your treatment cannot be deferred, your dentist will complete the work taking extra precautions.

Our dental practitioners are closely following advice from jurisdictional health authorities

regarding restrictions on clinical patient care and continue to follow the requirements of the Dental

Board of Australia, which involves adhering to ADA and NHMRC Infection Control Guidelines.

Got a dental emergency?

Use our 24/7 hotline- – 0480 261 192

Please SMS:


We will respond as soon as we can and organise appropriate care for you.

Is it safe for me to come into the practice?


We are taking additional precautions for your health and safety-learn about those here

However, if you have:

  • tested positive to COVID-19 or are awaiting COVID-19 test results
  • returned from overseas travel in the past 14 days
  • had close or casual contact with a person confirmed to have COVID-19
  • ANY of the following symptoms:
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Sore Throat
    • Shortness of breath

You will not be able to visit our practice and we will provide advice for next steps.

Now more than ever, it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene habits. Read more here

Help spread the word

please feel free to tell your friends, family and colleagues about our Central Coast Dental Emergency service and if you aren’t already please follow us on social media for the latest health alerts and updates.